All current sophomores and juniors are welcome to enroll in the course and tour. To find out more about the travel study experience and next year’s plans, there is an interest meeting this Thursday, May 26 at 7:00 PM where trip details and registration information will be distributed. Travel Study is a tremendous opportunity to travel the world and, for many, is a highlight of their St. Edmund Prep experience. We hope you can join us as we travel to Ireland and Scotland!
Questions? Looking for more information? Contact Tour Coordinators Mr. Scott O’Donnell or Deacon Andy Ciccaroni.
Note: Requesting Travel Study during the course selection process in March does not automatically enroll a student in the tour, nor did a student need to have registered for Travel Study during course selection to be eligible to enroll in the course. All students interested in Travel Study must attend this meeting and follow the enrollment procedures outlined.