Do You Have An Idea That Will Change The World? Submit Idea by April 24th


Got an idea that could change the world?

The NFTE World Series of Innovation is an online competition that challenges young entrepreneurs to think big and win cash prizes by coming up with innovative ideas for tackling some of the most important challenges facing the world today. This spring, the competition focuses on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The winning team in the ConEd Sustainable Energy Challenge receives a cash prize of $2,500 to share and a $750 gift for the school or the nonprofit organization of their choice. The winning team in each of the other challenge categories receives a cash prize of $1,500 to share and a $500 gift for the school or the nonprofit organization of their choice.

You must be at least 13 years old to compete, and you can't compete alone. Only small teams (of two or three students) can enter.

Register your team at and start brainstorming now!

Once you come up with an idea for an innovative product or service, just go online to answer a few questions about your big idea. We'll also ask you to storyboard and record a short "commercial" for your product or service.

You've got until midnight on April 24 to complete your submission. Entries will be scored by NFTE judges and voted on by the public. Winners will be announced on May 31.

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NFTE Gender Equality Challenge
Category: SDG #5
Design an initiative or innovation that encourages and helps women to start or grow their own small businesses.
ConEdison Sustainable Development Challenge
Category: SDG #7
Design an innovative approach or invention promoting sustainable energy in a smart city .
Citi Foundation Decent Work Challenge
Category: SDG #8
Design an initiative, innovation or invention to develop or upskill the workforce, leading to decent work and safe working environments.
Coca-Cola/VEB Responsible Consumption Challenge
Category: SDG #12
Develop innovative concepts to recycle and repurpose disposed plastic bottles.
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Special thanks to our Spring 2019 challenge sponsors
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